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Colostomy Teaching 1311

SN instructed patient to drink more water and fruit juices, up to six to eight glasses per day. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as fibrous foods such as whole-grain breads and cereals to prevent constipation.

Colostomy Teaching 1313

SN instructed patient that to reduce diarrhea, omit fiber and bulk from your meals and eat foods that thicken your stools, such as white rice, applesauce, bananas, creamy peanut butter, yogurt, pasta, and bread. Continued diarrhea can cause dehydration, so increase the amount of fluids in your diet.

Colostomy Teaching 1654

SN instructed patient and family on how to change the colostomy bag. Patient also educated on to drink more water and fruit juices, up to six to eight glasses per day. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as fibrous foods such as whole-grain breads and cereals to prevent constipation

Colostomy Teaching 1868

Instructed patient in some cases of colostomy, skin irritation or infection can result from stool that leaks under the bag. A hernia can develop around a colostomy, and the bowel may become narrow. Taking good care of your stoma and eating a balanced diet can help you avoid these problems. Pouching systems are waterproof. However, you may feel more secure if you wear an ostomy belt or put 
tape around the edges of your skin barrier when you are in the water.